Most couples are the happiest when they have things in common. In many relationships, sports can be that one little thing that happy couples don’t share together. Are you tired of bickering with your mate over the TV? Trying to figure out ways to bond more with your baby? Whether its Football or Nascar here are five tips that can help get your mate into sports…or at least get the conversation started.
1. Include them – Your favorite team has made it to the finals, you’ve got the snacks ready, you are wearing your favorite team jersey and the guys are on their way over but wifey is complaining about you not spending any quality time with her. Before you banish her for the evening consider inviting her to join you while you watch the game. You’ll get tons of brownie points just for the invite itself plus you’ll be spending time together. Win/Win…
2. Set up boundaries… early – If your mate has accepted your invitation, now it’s time to set up boundaries. Do this before the guests arrive. Lovingly, but firmly let her know what your expectations are up front. Inform her of the etiquette and what typically goes on while you and your friends are watching the game. If there is loud yelling, scratching and burping let her know what to expect beforehand to avoid any surprises. Discuss whether or not you want to be referred to as her “Pookie Bear” during game night. The last thing you want is for your friends to start calling you that too. Designate a time and a way for her to ask questions. For example, give her a notebook just for her (feel free to wrap it nicely as a gift if you have time) to write down any questions that she has about the sport, the game etc. Encourage her to ask the questions during half time or during commercial breaks. This will help her feel empowered and also give her a voice. It will also debunk any ideas of you not really wanting her to be around. The notebook could be used in the next few steps as well.