Jul 23, 2013
After Ryan Braun’s suspension, it seems like third-baseman Alex Rodriguez is next on the list. After all the controversy he’s had this year it’s not a surprise that this is next. I mean the guy hasn’t played all season because of injury and was supposed to come back recently but just as expected he’s injured again.
After Braun’s coming out and accepting his suspension, it was only a matter of time before A-Rod gets a punishment too. He’s right in the middle of this Biogenesis mess, for performance enhancing drugs, again. They’re saying he could be suspended around the same length as Braun (remainder of the season). This all happening because he won’t make a settlement deal with the MLB and states he’ll try to appeal any suspension.
In my opinion they need to go ahead and suspend the man. It’s clear that he’s involved with the Biogenesis stuff and it’s clear that he’s already done stuff like this before. It’s a shame that a lot of the great players in baseball have to resort to performance drugs to elevate their game. Alex Rodriguez is one of the greatest players of all time but still something has to be done here. There needs to be stricter rules on these steroids because it’s getting out of hand.
Another thing that needs to be addressed is A-Rod being suspended without pay. It has happened. This guy is getting paid more than some entire rosters. That’s madness, especially for a player who hasn’t played all season. I guess these kinds of things happen when you don’t have a salary cap. Come on MLB do the right thing, end A-Rod’s season now so we don’t have to worry about if it will begin.