Feb 2, 2014
30 years is a long time. Ever since I got into the NBA at a young age David Stern has been there running the NBA. He did a lot of stuff that people might not agree with but in the long run this guy has to be appreciated. I’m sure Adam Silver will do well but Stern definitely will be missed.
I remember at a time, the “Iverson days”, when guys dressed in baggy clothes on the regular. You would see these guys walking into the stadium with throwback jerseys and timberland boots. Guys would literally have on a du-rag during press conferences. If you go back and look at the infamous Allen Iverson practice rant, you’ll notice this guy has on a huge white tee and a fitted cap on. Injured players on the bench would dress like that as well. David Stern shut that down, now players have to look presentable when coming in. At first a lot of people weren’t with the dress code idea but I think its for the better. Us black men are always getting called thugs anyway so having them dressed like that wasn’t a good look for the league.
When the Pistons-Pacers fight went down, Stern stepped in and shut that down. People complain about how soft the game has gotten but Stern did what the had to do to protect the league. That fight was one of the lowest points in sports history, Stern changed things so we’ll never see anything like that again. He was even nice enough to give the players involved a second chance, as most of the main players in that fight are still in the league today.
I think one of the most memorable moments with Stern came when he vetoed the Chris Paul trade. It was controversial at the time and caused a lot of debate. That move would of changed the whole dynamic of the NBA and now most of those players have moved on to new teams. Its always cool to look back at that trade and how the league would be if it happened.
I think that’s what made Stern’s run so interesting, every thing that he did was controversial, but at the end it was probably better for the league. Stern was always ready to give out a fine if people got out of line. This guy ran the league with power and ultimately gained a lot of respect of it. I’m sad to see this guy go, hes a huge piece of the league that’ll now be missing.