Aug 23, 2013
Today, it was announced that the Warriors signed former Duke guard Seth Curry. Now of course it’s a non-guarantee contract, but it’s a contract! This comes as no surprise as the team already features Seth’s superstar older brother Stephen Curry.
Teams always seem to sign a sibling of a player on their team. There were quite a few instances of this that I saw in the last year.
Lets look at few instances:
New York Knicks signed JR Smiths brother Chris Smith last season.
Philadelphia 76ers signed Justin Holiday, Jrue Holidays brother, last year.
Indiana Pacers signed Tyler Hansboroughs’ brother Ben last season.
The list goes on and on. I didn’t even mention my favorite instance of this that happened this summer. Oh what the heck, so this summer the Chicago Bulls signed Carlos Boozers brother Charles to their summer league. As much as Bulls fans complain about Boozer, would they really want another Boozer who basically has the same name, in a different language.
Anyways this just shows how much the Major League Sports are a business. One phrase when it comes to the business world is that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. In this case it’s who you’re related to.
A lot of times within a business people are giving jobs because of who their family is. The NBA is no different. This is truly a business because no other team would give these players a chance. If I’m correct none of these players were even drafted. Well that’s the business for you.