Aug 13, 2013
A few days ago there were reports of LeBron James trying to run for President of the NBA Players Union Association. When I first heard it I thought it was a pretty good move since, you know, LeBron’s pretty good at everything. The way lockout was handled a few years ago showed that things need to change and LeBron seems like the perfect guy to do it, but now there’s reports that LeBron won’t run, which is a shame.
The last president was Derek Fisher, I guess he did an ok job because there eventually was a season after the lockout but the executive Billy Hunter was fired, so apparently something’s not right. The players aren’t exactly happy with the Union and want LeBron in.
Having LeBron as the face of the Players Union would be amazing because he’s already the face of basketball. I think the Union and its problems would be taking more serious with a major player such as James right there in the forefront. No offense to Derek Fisher but I think LeBron James demands a little more respect.
The most high profile player on the executive board of the Union is Chris Paul, who I would say is a good fit for president. I feel like the league needs a high profile player in order to things done. I understand James isn’t doing it because he won’t have the time (chasing championships and all that) but they need someone who can make a change. This is who most of the players want but soon we’ll see who the next President is. I hope it’s not a random scrub.