Sports Passion, The Magazine delivers informative and opinionated analysis for all sports fans alike. Each issue will carry a different theme. Our aim is to give readers not only a good read but to provide food for thought on teams and players in sports.
Advertising on Sports Passion, The Magazine
If you are interested in advertising in Sports Passion, The Magazine, we offer some attractive ad spots. Please send a brief email to Lisa Williams – you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Magazine Circulation
Sports Passion, The Magazine is published quarterly by Sports Passion, LLC. on http://sportspassion.net, Joomag.com, and Issuu.com. With issues being available during the first week of (August, November, February, May).
Vol. 1 Issue 1: August 2013
Vol. 1 Issue 2: November 2013
Vol. 1, Issue 3: February 2014