Dec 4, 2013
Corey Sipkin/New York Daily News
When the Brooklyn Nets decided to hire Jason Kidd as their head coach, just a few days after his retirement, I thought it was a joke. We’ve seen former players make a career in coaching all the time but it never comes right after retiring. Usually players get a job within the organization as scout or something of that nature and work their way up. Even going from playing to being an assistant coach is common but head coach? Naw.
On top of the fact that the Nets have the most expensive roster in the league, these players are old as hell. These cats that he’s coaching are pretty much his age. I don’t know about you but I don’t know how I would feel being told what to do by a peer, because that’s basically what Jason Kidd is to these players. Brooklyn Nets guard Jason Terry was a teammate of Kidd’s on the Dallas Mavericks championship team a few years ago so yeah this guy is still a peer.
What makes this Coach Kidd saga so bad though is that Kidd has been in the headlines a lot this season. From being called out for not running plays, to spilling his drink to get a time to run a play, this guy has been everywhere for the wrong reasons. He was even suspended for the first two games of the season for a DUI charge last summer. Now he demoted his top assistant (and former coach) Lawrence Frank from the bench to the office.
I feel like every week I find myself saying “you heard bout J-Kidd?”
To be honest it’s actually pretty entertaining. Realistically Kidd should be fired but that probably won’t happen because of the contract commitment the Nets made with him this off-season. The Nets knew what they were getting into with Coach Kidd and now they’re paying for it with a lousy record, injured old players and a coach that’s a joke.
If this guy turns it around that would be amazing but right now I’m just going to enjoy the controversy Coach Kidd has brought. It’s funny to me.