Dec 19, 2013
In between doing homework, I went to do a google search of the Rockets big man Omer Asik. I wanted to get a update on his trade status since today is the deadline for Asik to be traded. Then it dawned on me.
Why the hell is a back up center being traded such a big deal?
Oh yeah, that’s right, because the Rockets made it a big deal.
The Rockets pretty much played the hell of out Asik and the rest of the league and will ultimately get the last laugh out of this ordeal. They took a back up center from the Chicago Bulls and paid him above market price, and then gave him all the minutes he could handle. Of course he looked pretty decent on the Rockets last year, as a defender and a rebounder, he was the only player on the roster that focused on those aspects of the game.
When the Rockets couldn’t get Dwight Howard two seasons ago, they traded for draft picks and other aspects in order to make a deal. They signed Asik to be the center at the time being, gave him big minutes and now he seems like hes worth the 15 million that he’ll receive next season, to a few teams. Now that the Rockets have gotten Howard they are looking to trade Asik for some more pieces that he realistically isn’t even worth.
The teams that could use Asik the most are in the Western Conference, and its looking like Houston won’t be dealing him to anybody that could hurt them from their own conference. So pretty much what is going to happen today, is Houston will receive pieces to a championship contender all for a back up center that got his worth boosted up by the organization that signed him.
The Rockets have been very smart these last few years. They’ve made some huge moves (James Harden trade) and stuck to their plans to get the players they want (Dwight Howard). The Rockets are setting up teams to follow in their footsteps. Soon enough a lot of front offices will operate like the Rocket because its a working strategy. You have to love that this team has the league all riled up over a back up center that’s on the trade market. These guys even had the nerve to put a deadline on when you can deal for him. The Rockets are making moves and not looking back. Whatever the Rockets get for Omer Asik today should be very valuable, that’s just how the Rockets roll.