Oct 15, 2013
Alright, we’re back with part 2 of the Ideal series. Today we’re going to take a look at one of the most glamorous positions in the NBA and that’s the shooting guard.
Some of the greatest players to ever play the game all lined up at shooting guard. I know a lot of people like me grew up wanting to be like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson, and imulating their moves. Now at the conclusion of this article I could easily name Kobe Bryant as the ideal shooting guard but I wont be doing that because that would be way to easy.
Alright well lets do this.
Ideal Skill set for an NBA shooting guard: Well Balanced Offensive Threat, Defensive Presence, & Ball Handling Skills
Well Balanced Offensive Threat:
In my world the shooting guard should be the man you run your offensive threw. Your shooting guard needs to be able to get buckets in any way possible. Now their are a lot of shooting guards that really cant shoot, that’s a problem. The shooting guard should be able to let it fly from three without a problem. At this position, the player should have a reliable jump shot. At the same time he should only have a jump shot, he should be able to take it to the rack also. The ideal shooting guard needs to be able to hit the jumper but at the same time be able to go to the basket and get a bucket or get to the free throw line. When the game is on the line the shooting guard should be able to score the ball in one of the two ways.
Defensive Presence:
I know when talking about the point guard position I left defense out mostly. For the shooting guard, that is not the case. There are so many guards now that can only shoot or only play defense. This guard has to do it all. He doesn’t have to be the best defender but he needs to be able to hold him weight on defense. The ideal shooting guard needs to be good enough on defense to keep his man in front of him. He should be able to keep his man from blowing past him and be contesting ever shot. The ideal shooting guard should probably average at least one steal. In other words the ideal shooting guard should be good enough on defense where they can start at the 2 guard spot over the all defense guard. A huge part of defense is actually trying, so that’s the key here, a shooting guard who will attempt to lock down their man.
A lot of teams get stuck on the 3 and D type guard but realistically I want my 2 guard to be able to do more than that. He needs to be able to bring the ball up and set the offensive up as well. The shooting guard should be the back up point guard on the court. He should be good with the ball in his hands and can make a play if needed. The shooting guard’s handles should be so nice that they can take defenders off the dribble at will.He should have the adequate ball handling skills to be able to create his own shot off of the dribble. Killer crossovers are necessarily needed, just somebody who can make a move off the dribble.
Alright well just like the ideal point guard, the shooting guard I came up with was a little surprising. The Bucks should be happy because they have the ideal shooting guard by my criteria.
The ideal shooting guard: OJ Mayo
Check back soon for the ideal small forward.