Unsurprisingly, the New York Knicks shooting guard JR Smith has been in the media spotlight a lot this season for all the wrong reasons.
It’s never for him making a good play, doing something for the community or for helping his team in anyway positive. Every time JR Smiths name is in the media the first thing I say to myself is “what the hell did JR do now?” From failing a drug test to playing horrible to now getting fined for untying opposing player’s shoelaces, Smith has been nothing but bad news.
The Knicks are reportedly trying to get rid of Smith now and have put him on the trade block. Of course the Knicks are stuck with him though because nobody wants that headache or even wants to pay him. His contract isn’t that bad (3 years, 18 million). It’s actually around the standard contract teams give to those guys that the coach brings off the bench and tells them “get buckets” until they throw up a lot of bricks or the starters come back in.
The problem is the way Smith has been acting on and off the court. He’s not only acting up off the court (which is standard JR) but now he’s doing ridiculous stuff on the court (and that’s not including all the shots he takes).
It seemed like after his breakthrough last season, he had finally got his act together. He was playing very well and wasn’t getting in trouble off the court. Then the NBA made the worse decision they could of made. The rewarded Smith by naming him the 6th Man of the Year.
Yeah I know he deserved the award at the time because of his play but giving a guy like Smith an award jut gives him an excuse to act up. It gave him some type of status in the league, he wasn’t just JR Smith, the crazy guy with the tattoos who throws up a lot of shots. Now he’s JR Smith, 6th Man of the Year. The NBA told Smith that he was the best player to come off the bench last year, and that went to his head. Ever since Smith got the award he was in trouble, partying and playing like crap.
The crazy thing is this could of gotten even worse, there was talk last year of Smith actually making the all-star team. Oh yeah and then the Knicks paid him the highest amount he’s been paid in his career so yeah he’s been feeling himself.
A lot of times when someone does wrong for a long time you want to reward them when they seem to turn over a new leaf. For some people you just can’t do that. JR Smith was rewarded for his play last season and now the Knicks are paying the price. Smith has some status (and money) now, you can’t tell him nothing.