Aug 13, 2013
It’s starting to become pretty obvious that Johnny Manziel got paid for his autograph. It’s been reported that Manziel has been involved with even more brockers than originally reported a few weeks ago. Manziel is taking heat for this but should he? To follow up on my article of why College Athletes Need to Get Paid, I feel like he shouldn’t.
Would you pay for Johnny Manziel’s autograph? I would, the guys the truth, forget that he’s still in college he’s a star right now so there’s no problem with getting a stars autograph. I would like to get a star’s autograph, just like most people. Should Manziel get paid for his autograph? Damn right he should get paid, who should get the profits from it, the NCAA? If you’re like me that just doesn’t’ seem right.
I really hope that the NCAA doesn’t come down too hard on Johnny Manziel and Texas A & M because it’s really just not that serious. I understand that it’s against the rules but maybe it’s the rules that need to change. What’s the point of punishing somebody for something that you’re doing yourself? The NCAA is definitely making money off Manziel but it’s not right for Manziel to make money off himself?
The main point here is that they have to do something about these rules. It’s not far that players aren’t allowed to get some kind of income for their services. Being an athlete is like a job and I don’t know anybody who wants to work for free.