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Will We See Agent Zero on the Court This Season?

Will We See Agent Zero on the Court This Season?

Sep 19, 2013

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Gilbert Arenas on an NBA court. Well it’s only been a season but it feels like it’s been forever.

The last we saw of Agent Zero was when he came off the bench for the Memphis Grizzlies and did absolutely nothing. Nobody picked up Gilbert last season, and nobody blamed them. He ended up in China but that’s not really a good thing. Now it seems like he might get another chance at the NBA with the last team he faced off against, the Los Angeles Clippers. Apparently Gilbert did pretty well in a workout with the Clippers and they are considering signing him to their training camp roster.

Clippers don’t think, just do it!

Gilbert Arenas was a scoring machine in his prime, the combo guard got buckets. This guy was averaging stats that rivaled Kobe Bean Bryant. That has to mean something. Sure he hasn’t looked very good since 2010 (I’m getting to that) but that’s mainly because of not getting opportunities to play. When he did get extended minutes (one playoff game for the Orlando Magic), he played very well. What I’m trying to say is, if given the chance Gilbert Arenas can contribute to an NBA team right now.

It’s really sad that Arenas has to bank on a training camp invite as a way to get on a NBA roster. He’s not even that old, Gilbert is only 31 years old. This just shows how bad decisions can alter a career.

When Gilbert Arenas and Jarvis Crittenton, pulled guns out on each other in the locker room, things have been downhill for the both. Seeing that Crittenton is in jail for murder now, I can assume he was the villain in the Wizards locker room. Still at the time though Gilbert was dead ass wrong, and paying for it now.

Hopefully the Clippers give him a chance so we can see Hibachi in action again. Either way he’s probably ok because that amnesty clause money he’s getting is really long.

Was good though, it's me Everick Davis Jr. Born and raised in Portsmouth Virginia, I'm currently a senior at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. I watch every sport (not so much golf) but I am huge on the NBA. My favorite players right now are J.R. Smith, Russell Westbrook & Nick Young. Drinking beer and watching sports is my favorite past time and I do it year round! I used to play basketball on the regular until everyone else kept growing and I still stood at 5'6. So that's when I channeled my efforts into becoming the next Stephen A Smith or anything close to that. I currently write for "The Carolinian" newspaper in Greensboro, NC and intern for Random Fact about me, I love anime, my favorite one is One Piece! Second random fact, I got beatz! check me out

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