This should of happened a long time ago. This probably should of happened during the preseason, when Smith competed for a spot on the New York Knicks roster and somehow got the spot. Now the Knicks have finally come to their senses and waived Chris Smith, the younger brother of last seasons 6th Man of the Year award, JR Smith. Things should of never gotten this...
Whats Next for Andrew Bynum?

Dec 29, 2013
This got ugly really quick. It hasn’t even been half a season and the Cleveland Cavaliers already want nothing to do with Andrew Bynum. This weekend, the Cavs announced that they have suspended Bynum indefintely for bad conduct, he was disrespectful to the coaching staff). Now the Cavs are looking to trade him by Janauray 7th when his contract becomes...
Another Day; Another Injury
Alright this is getting freaking ridiculous. All the great players in the NBA are getting injured. I could accept Kobe Bryant taking some time off as he’s been playing since I could comprehend what basketball is. Whenever Derrick Rose fell to the ground, the thought of him going down again always flashed up, so it wasn’t unexpected but still all the...
NBA Christmas Review
Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year. Not only did I spend time with my family and exchange presents with loved ones but I sat in front of my parents big screen television from 12pm to almost 1 something at night watching non stop NBA. Its what I would do ideally every day but certain things like school, work and television scheduling get in the...
Early Predictions for the Western Conference All-Stars

Dec 20, 2013
Alright people, I took a hard look at the Eastern Conference, made some gusty predictions and made it through. Now the West will be a little bit simpler to predict, as their problem isn’t that the players aren’t good, the problem out is West is that there are too many great players. Without any further delay, here are my predictions for the Western...
Early Predictions for the Eastern Conference All-Stars

Dec 20, 2013
The NBA season has been going on for a good little amount of time now, do its only right that I hit you guys with some predictions. One way to measure a player’s individual success and dominance is by how many individual awards that player gets. Only one person can be MVP but every year there are 24 special players that get the honor of being called an...